Monday 25 January 2016

See brutal moment bully gets knocked out cold after picking on harmless kid and mocking his rucksack

This is the moment a menacing bully picks a fight with the wrong kid - and gets well and truly knocked out.
The footage shows a boy wearing a bright orange leopard-print backpack, keeping his head down seemingly on the way back from school or college.
A tank top wearing man, apparently without any provocation, appears to begins hassling the harmless youngster.
The bully swings and land a powerful-looking right hook. It should be inevitable what happens next - it wasn't.
Bully gets knocked out after picking on the wrong kid
Thug: The bully seems to be excited before launching his attack
 Far from being knocked down or scared, the young boy starts wrestling with his attacker.

Read more: 'David vs Goliath' fight footage shows big bully getting knocked spark out by plucky victim
And it's soon pretty clear, he's much stronger than he looks.

After grappling for several seconds, the crowd which has gathered, separate the two and they get ready to fight properly.
Bully gets knocked out after picking on the wrong kid
Right hand: The bully lands with a powerful punch - but the kid has an iron chin
You'd still have your money on the larger, older bully - but you'd be wrong.
The targeted kid clearly gets the best of the things when they start grappling again - and the bully ends up on the floor.
Bully gets knocked out after picking on the wrong kid
Grappling: The kids begins to show he's far stronger than he seems as he gets bully in headlock

Then the kid lands a huge kick - which the bully seems to shake off.
Read more: Watch bully take a beating as intended 'victim' unleashes devastating boxing skills on hapless thug
But a second devastating strike with the foot knocks out the bully cold.
Bully gets knocked out after picking on the wrong kid
Upset: The tables have definitely turned as the bully falls to the floor

The video has become a viral sensation - with more than 200,000 views - since being posted on LiveLeak .
It is believed to have been filmed in Indonesia.
Bully gets knocked out after picking on the wrong kid
Goodnight: The bully ends up in a crumbled mess after a devastating kick to the face
One writes: "Hell yes. Great reminder in this video: If your life is ever threatened through no fault of your own, don't hesitate and do whatever it takes to survive."
Another posted: "Never mess with someone who has the confidence to wear an orange leopard print anything."

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